After what has felt like forever…many hours of editing…what felt like even more hours of formatting…


Proof of Purple on Amazon!!!

Sixteen-year-old Saige Pemberton lives in a perfect world—a world free of sickness, crime, and chaos. But for Saige, nothing in her life is as easy as it should be: not with her family, and not with her friends.

Risa Dobbin has always been a model citizen, but when the world she trusted fails her, she begins to ask questions she never dared to ask before.

Mirren Chase has never felt good enough for her world. After her worst nightmare comes true, she wonders if her identity truly has become defined by her failure.

When the unthinkable happens, all three girls are forced to face their fears and insecurities in ways they never expected. Could the ideals that their society is built upon not actually be as perfect as they seem? Do they even dare hope for second chances in a world where mistakes are unforgivable?


A Few Announcements:

– I’m hosting a giveaway over on my Instagram (@j.c.buchanan) so check it out if you’re interested in winning free signed copies of my books! You have until December 1st to enter!

– I FINALLY got a blog tour figured out! So if you’d be interested in helping me launch Proof of Purple into the world, you can sign up here::

– My short novella sequel to You’ll Be Like Faye, Far Away Faye, has officially been released in paperback! You can get it on Amazon!

I’m SO EXCITED that Proof of Purple is finally out in the world!

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