The Selection by Kiera Cass

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Title: The Selection (The Selection, #1)

Author: Kiera Cass

Published By: HarperTeen (2012)

Synopsis: For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined. (Taken from Goodreads)


I went into this book expecting a stereotype. Honestly, I had not been planning to read it at all except for the fact that all my friends were recommending it to me. So I thought I’d give it a try.

Well, Kiera Cass, you impressed me.

Speaking of themes, I saw so many positive ones in this book and it was mainly the reason I kept reading. Themes of strength, self-confidence, independence; standing up for what’s right; family; friendship; honor; loyalty. The main character, America, has a great sense of morality. She loves and has a great heart; she’s humble and concerned more about others than herself. She is careful to stay true to one love and not dash around all the time. Henceforth, the love triangle didn’t even seem much like a love triangle at all because America protects her heart and doesn’t go back and forth (unlike almost every other YA female lead). She’s torn, no doubt there, but she’s aware of both sides and aware of what’s going on. She’s so incredibly caring, especially to the maids and other girls around her, and you can’t help but love her and root for her.

Unlike other dystopians I’ve read, this book surprised me by being actually really well written. The author does a great job with descriptions of both places, things, and people, as well with describing their society as a whole. It’s compelling and the characters are impossible to not like. So while overall it may not be the best book ever, it sent enough positive themes for me to appreciate it, and created characters good enough that I plan to read the sequel. It’s unexpected that I’d like a dystopian like this, but The Selection surpassed my expectations. It didn’t blow me away, no, but it wasn’t as low quality as I expected.

Negative Content/Notes:

 There are 2 questionable scenes in which the characters get involved in some very intense kissing. While reading it, I kind of skimmed these few paragraphs because I wasn’t interested in kissing scenes, and continued on. It wasn’t directly inappropriate or anything, and it didn’t go any farther than kissing, not to mention it was very brief, so it wasn’t a big red flag for me – but those scenes were still there.  As a whole, though, this book was positive and did not glorify the wrong things.

Rating: 4.0

Recommended to: Anyone looking for a clean, pageturner, romance/dystopian!

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