Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton

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Title: Beyond the Horizon

Author: Jesseca Wheaton

Published: 2016

Synopsis: Eliana longs to see the world beyond the mountains that tower above Salzburg, Austria, but knows that dream will never see such adventure- and neither will she.

Surrounded by a world of cruelty, she lives for the weekly visits of Aron, a boy she met on one of her rambles through the countryside.

But as the years pass and she begins to grow older, a new and unwelcome world is opened up to her.
On a fateful night at a party she vowed she’d never attend, she comes face to face with a shocking truth.

As the world around her teeters on the brink of war, Eliana struggles to figure out just where her loyalty lies; a decision that will drastically change the course of her life. Will she ever be free to see what lies beyond the horizon? (Taken from Goodreads)


Beyond the Horizon was a sweet tale which I thoroughly enjoyed!

First of all, it had such an unique premise! Cinderella retellings? They’ve been done. But a WWII Cinderella CHRISTMAS retelling? Can it really get any better?!

Not only that, but the story came through on every aspect. Everything was developed down to the tiniest detail, retaining a strong Cinderella feel while still being unique and distinct. It was so, so, so cleverly done, and came through amazingly. I loved the ways it stayed so close to the original tale while still being completely its own!

The author’s talent is amazing, beautifully painting characters on gorgeous backdrops that provide a great storyline. It was decently paced, not too slow but not too fast either. I thought it was a perfect story for a novella, as it went into detail without becoming dragged out. I finished it in one sitting, it was so captivating and enjoyable. I love finding unique stories, and this one truly fit that shape.


 I thought it was a fabulous read, a work accomplished through amazing writing skills, some awesome characters and a strong plot.

Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

Recommended to: 

Would recommend to any looking for a good, but unique, fairy-tale story!


** I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

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